List of types that must be defined be Traits
defines the logic of how timeouts are managed;logger_t
defines logger that is used by RESTinio to track its inner logic;request_handler_t
defines a function-like type to be used as request handler;strand_t
- defines a class that is used by connection as a wrapper for its callback-handlers running onasio::io_context
thread(s) in order to guarantee serialized callbacks invocation (see asio doc). Actually, there are two options for the strand type:asio::strand<asio::executor>
. The first is a real strand that guarantees serialized invocation and the second one is simply a default executor to eliminate unnecessary overhead when runningasio::io_context
on a single thread;stream_socket_t
is a customization point that tells restinio what type of socket used for connections. This parameter allows restinio to support TLS connection (see TLS support).
- defines a timeout controller logic.
It must define two nested types.
The first one is timer_guard_t
with the following interface:
class timer_guard_t
// Schedule a checking of timed out operations
// after the time interval specified by timer-manager.
void schedule(
// Weak pointer to object to check timed out ops.
// tcp_connection_ctx_weak_handle_t = std::weak_ptr< tcp_connection_ctx_base_t >
tcp_connection_ctx_weak_handle_t weak_handle );
// Cancel timeout guard if any.
void cancel();
To understand the ground idea behind timer managers it is needed to clarify on
a weak pointer of which is passed to
timer_guard_t::schedule(). A class
tcp_connection_ctx_base_t has a virtual method:
// Check timeouts for all activities.
virtual void check_timeout(
// A handle to itself (eliminates one shared_ptr instantiation).
std::shared_ptr< tcp_connection_ctx_base_t > & self ) = 0;
Internal classes that inherit from tcp_connection_ctx_base_t
implement this
method to initiate a check whether there are a timed out operations. So
timer guard must simply store a weak pointer to
somewhere and try to invoke check_timeout()
after some period of time that is specified by timer manager. Here is an
example of how to try to invoke check_timeout()
// restinio::tcp_connection_ctx_weak_handle_t weak_handle;
if( auto h = weak_handle.lock() )
// If here then h is a shared pointer to an exiting object.
h->check_timeout( h );
Suppose timer manager sets a time period for checking to 1 second, so each second a context object of a given connection will check if any timeout happened. Between two sequential checks, connection context object may change the actual operation that is tracked for timeout many times.
A timer_guard_t::cancel()
method must cancel scheduled check of a given
An instance of timer_guard_t
is stored in each connection
managed by RESTinio and to create it timer_manager_t
must define
the following method:
class timer_manager_t
// ...
// struct/class timer_guard_t{ ... };
// or
// using timer_guard_t = ...;
// Create guard for connection.
timer_guard_t create_timer_guard();
// ...
The second type nested in timer_manager_t
must be factory_t
that must implement create(asio::io_context&)
struct factory_t
/* Extra parameters for creating timer manager */
auto create( asio::io_context & io_context ) const
return std::make_shared< timer_manager_t >( /* params */ );
Nested factory type is needed for holding parameters of a timer manager that
come from settings. Timer manager itself might need a reference to
on which server runs, and it is not available on the level
of settings object. So the creation of timer instance is done in two steps. The first
step - the factory is created in server settings and stores params that are needed
for creating timer manager. The second step - when the server is instantiated (hence
is known) a timer manager is created using the factory.
RESTinio comes with a set of ready-to-use timer_manager_t
– noop timer guards, they produce timer guards that do nothing (when no control needed). See restinio/null_timer_manager.hpp;asio_timer_manager_t
– timer guards implemented with asio timers. See restinio/asio_timer_manager.hpp;so5::so_timer_manager_t
– timer guards implemented with SObjectizer timers. See restinio/so5/so_timer_manager.hpp. Note thatrestinio/so5/so_timer_manager.hpp
header file is not included byrestinio/all.hpp
, so it needs to be included separately.
- defines a logger implementation.
It must support the following interface:
class null_logger_t
template< typename Msg_Builder >
void trace( Msg_Builder && mb );
template< typename Msg_Builder >
void info( Msg_Builder && mb );
template< typename Msg_Builder >
void warn( Msg_Builder && mb );
template< typename Msg_Builder >
void error( Msg_Builder && mb );
is lambda that returns a message to log out.
This approach allows a compiler to optimize logging when it is possible,
see null_logger_t.
For implementation example see ostream_logger_t.
- is a key type for request handling process.
It must be a function-object with the following invocation interface:
handler( restinio::request_handle_t req );
See Request handler for more details.
provides serialized callback invocation for events of a specific
connection. There are two option for strand_t
: asio::strand<asio::executor>
or asio::executor
By default asio::strand<asio::executor>
is used,
it guarantees serialized chain of callback invocation.
But if asio::io_context
runs on a single thread there is no need
to use asio::strand
because there is no way to run callbacks in parallel.
So in such cases, it is enough to use asio::executor
directly and
eliminate the overhead of asio::strand
allows to customize underlying socket type,
so it possible to create https server using identical interface (see TLS support).