Classes | |
struct | abort_app_in_error_callback_t |
Type of a function to be used as the default on_error-callback. More... | |
class | acceptor_options_t |
An adapter for setting acceptor options before running server. More... | |
class | asio_timer_manager_t |
Timer factory implementation using asio timers. More... | |
class | base_response_builder_t |
class | basic_server_settings_t |
Basic container for http_server settings. More... | |
struct | chunk_ext_param_t |
Chunk extension parameter. More... | |
class | chunk_info_t |
Information about one chunk in an incoming request with chunked encoding. More... | |
class | chunked_input_info_t |
An information about chunks and trailing fields in the incoming request. More... | |
struct | chunked_output_t |
Tag type for chunked output response builder. More... | |
struct | connection_count_limit_types |
A kind of metafunction that deduces actual types related to connection count limiter in the dependecy of Traits. More... | |
struct | connection_state_listener_holder_t |
A special class for holding actual connection state listener. More... | |
struct | connection_state_listener_holder_t< connection_state::noop_listener_t > |
A special class for case when no-op state listener is used. More... | |
struct | const_buffer_t |
Helper class for setting a constant buffer storage explicitly. More... | |
class | default_http_methods_t |
The default implementation for http_method_mapper. More... | |
class | exception_t |
Exception class for all exceptions thrown by RESTinio. More... | |
class | extra_data_buffer_t |
Helper for holding a pointer to a buffer where a new object of type Extra_Data should be constructed. More... | |
class | file_descriptor_holder_t |
Wrapper class for working with native file handler. More... | |
class | file_meta_t |
Meta data of the file. More... | |
class | generic_request_t |
HTTP Request data. More... | |
struct | http_header_common_t |
Req/Resp headers common data. More... | |
class | http_header_field_t |
A single header field. More... | |
class | http_header_fields_t |
Header fields map. More... | |
class | http_method_id_t |
A type for representation of HTTP method ID. More... | |
struct | http_request_header_t |
Req header. More... | |
struct | http_response_header_t |
Resp header. More... | |
class | http_server_t |
Class for http-server. More... | |
class | http_status_code_t |
A handy wrapper for HTTP response status code. More... | |
class | http_status_line_t |
HTTP response header status line. More... | |
class | incoming_http_msg_limits_t |
A type of holder of limits related to an incoming HTTP message. More... | |
class | io_context_holder_t |
Helper class for holding shared pointer to io_context. More... | |
struct | ip_blocker_holder_t |
A special class for holding actual IP-blocker object. More... | |
struct | ip_blocker_holder_t< ip_blocker::noop_ip_blocker_t > |
A special class for case when no-op IP-blocker is used. More... | |
struct | no_extra_data_factory_t |
The default extra-data-factory to be used in server's traits if a user doesn't specify own one. More... | |
class | null_logger_t |
No operation logger. More... | |
struct | null_mutex_t |
A class to be used as null_mutex. More... | |
struct | null_timer_manager_t |
Timer factory implementation using asio timers. More... | |
class | on_pool_runner_t |
Helper class for running an existing HTTP-server on a thread pool without blocking the current thread. More... | |
class | ostream_logger_t |
Logger for std::ostream. More... | |
class | parse_query_failure_t |
Type that indicates a failure of an attempt of query-string parsing. More... | |
class | query_string_params_t |
Parameters container for query strings parameters. More... | |
class | response_builder_t |
Forbid arbitrary response_builder_t instantiations. More... | |
class | response_builder_t< chunked_output_t > |
Chunked transfer encoding output builder. More... | |
class | response_builder_t< restinio_controlled_output_t > |
Simple standard response builder. More... | |
class | response_builder_t< user_controlled_output_t > |
User controlled response output builder. More... | |
struct | response_output_flags_t |
Response output flags for buffers commited to response-coordinator. More... | |
struct | restinio_controlled_output_t |
Tag type for RESTinio controlled output response builder. More... | |
class | run_existing_server_on_thread_pool_t |
Helper type for holding parameters necessary for running HTTP-server on a thread pool. More... | |
class | run_on_this_thread_settings_t |
Settings for the case when http_server must be run on the context of the current thread. More... | |
class | run_on_thread_pool_settings_t |
Settings for the case when http_server must be run on the context of the current thread. More... | |
class | running_server_instance_t |
A helper class used in an implementation of run_async function. More... | |
class | sendfile_chunk_size_guarded_value_t |
A guard class for setting chunk size. More... | |
class | sendfile_t |
Send file write operation description. More... | |
class | server_settings_t |
A fluent style interface for setting http server params. More... | |
struct | simple_extra_data_factory_t |
A helper template class for cases when extra-data-factory is just a simple stateless object. More... | |
class | socket_options_t |
An adapter for setting acceptor options before running server. More... | |
class | socket_type_dependent_settings_t |
Extra settings needed for working with socket. More... | |
class | socket_type_dependent_settings_t< Settings, tls_socket_t > |
Customizes extra settings needed for working with socket. More... | |
class | tcp_connection_ctx_base_t |
TCP connection base. More... | |
struct | traits_t |
struct | user_controlled_output_t |
Tag type for user controlled output response builder. More... | |
class | writable_item_t |
Class for storing the buffers used for streaming body (request/response). More... | |
class | write_group_t |
Group of writable items transported to the context of underlying connection as one solid piece. More... | |
Typedefs | |
using | error_category_base_t = asio_ns::error_category |
An alias for base class of error category entity. More... | |
using | default_asio_executor = asio_ns::executor |
using | fmt_minimal_memory_buffer_t = fmt::basic_memory_buffer< char, 1u > |
An alias for fmt::basic_memory_buffer<char,1>. More... | |
using | writable_items_container_t = std::vector< writable_item_t > |
using | write_status_cb_t = std::function< void(const asio_ns::error_code &ec) > |
An alias for a callback to be invoked after the write operation of a particular group of "buffers". More... | |
using | chunk_ext_params_t = std::vector< chunk_ext_param_t > |
using | chunk_ext_params_unique_ptr_t = std::unique_ptr< chunk_ext_params_t > |
using | chunked_input_info_unique_ptr_t = std::unique_ptr< chunked_input_info_t > |
Alias of unique_ptr for chunked_input_info. More... | |
using | request_id_t = unsigned int |
Request id in scope of single connection. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
using | nullable_pointer_t = T * |
Type for pointer that can be nullptr. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
using | not_null_pointer_t = T * |
Type for pointer that is not null by design. More... | |
using | connection_id_t = std::uint64_t |
Type for ID of connection. More... | |
using | endpoint_t = asio_ns::ip::tcp::endpoint |
An alias for endpoint type from Asio. More... | |
using | default_strand_t = asio_ns::strand< default_asio_executor > |
A typedef for the default strand type. More... | |
using | noop_strand_t = default_asio_executor |
A typedef for no-op strand type. More... | |
template<typename T , typename E > | |
using | expected_t = nonstd::expected< T, E > |
using | http_field = http_field_t |
Helper alies to omitt _t suffix. More... | |
using | io_context_shared_ptr_t = std::shared_ptr< asio_ns::io_context > |
template<typename Traits > | |
using | running_server_handle_t = std::unique_ptr< running_server_instance_t< http_server_t< Traits > > > |
The type to be used as a handle for running server instance. More... | |
using | single_threaded_ostream_logger_t = ostream_logger_t< null_mutex_t > |
using | shared_ostream_logger_t = ostream_logger_t< std::mutex > |
template<typename Extra_Data > | |
using | generic_request_handle_t = std::shared_ptr< generic_request_t< Extra_Data > > |
An alias for shared-pointer to incoming request. More... | |
using | request_t = generic_request_t< no_extra_data_factory_t::data_t > |
An alias for incoming request without additional extra-data. More... | |
using | request_handle_t = std::shared_ptr< request_t > |
An alias for handle for incoming request without additional extra-data. More... | |
using | default_request_handler_t = std::function< request_handling_status_t(request_handle_t) > |
using | acceptor_options_setter_t = std::function< void(acceptor_options_t &) > |
using | socket_options_setter_t = std::function< void(socket_options_t &) > |
using | cleanup_functor_t = std::function< void(void) > |
Type of holder for user's cleanup function. More... | |
using | acceptor_post_bind_hook_t = std::function< void(asio_ns::ip::tcp::acceptor &) > |
A type of callback to be called after a successful invocation of bind() function for the acceptor. More... | |
using | string_view_t = std::string_view |
using | tcp_connection_ctx_handle_t = std::shared_ptr< tcp_connection_ctx_base_t > |
Alias for http connection handle. More... | |
using | tcp_connection_ctx_weak_handle_t = std::weak_ptr< tcp_connection_ctx_base_t > |
Alias for http connection weak handle. More... | |
using | timer_invocation_tag_t = std::uint32_t |
An invokation tag, for controlling no more actual timers in corner cases. More... | |
using | timer_invocation_cb_t = std::add_pointer< void(timer_invocation_tag_t, tcp_connection_ctx_weak_handle_t) >::type |
A pointer to invocation callback for a specific context object. More... | |
template<typename Timer_Factory , typename Logger , typename Request_Handler = default_request_handler_t, typename Strand = asio_ns::strand< default_asio_executor >> | |
using | tls_traits_t = traits_t< Timer_Factory, Logger, Request_Handler, Strand, tls_socket_t > |
template<typename Timer_Factory , typename Logger , typename Request_Handler = default_request_handler_t> | |
using | single_thread_tls_traits_t = tls_traits_t< Timer_Factory, Logger, Request_Handler, noop_strand_t > |
using | default_tls_traits_t = tls_traits_t< asio_timer_manager_t, null_logger_t > |
using | tls_socket_t = impl::tls_socket_t |
A public alias for the actual implementation of TLS-socket. More... | |
template<typename Traits > | |
using | request_handler_type_from_traits_t = typename details::actual_request_handler_type_detector< typename Traits::request_handler_t, typename Traits::extra_data_factory_t >::request_handler_t |
A metafunction for extraction a request-handler type from server's traits. More... | |
template<typename Traits > | |
using | generic_request_type_from_traits_t = generic_request_t< typename Traits::extra_data_factory_t::data_t > |
A metafunction for the detection of actual type of request-object from server's traits. More... | |
template<typename Timer_Manager , typename Logger , typename Request_Handler = details::autodetect_request_handler_type> | |
using | single_thread_traits_t = traits_t< Timer_Manager, Logger, Request_Handler, noop_strand_t > |
using | default_traits_t = traits_t< asio_timer_manager_t, null_logger_t > |
using | default_single_thread_traits_t = single_thread_traits_t< asio_timer_manager_t, null_logger_t > |
Default traits for single-threaded HTTP-server. More... | |
Aliases for sendfile operation. | |
using | file_descriptor_t = std::FILE * |
using | file_offset_t = std::int64_t |
using | file_size_t = std::uint64_t |
Functions | |
const error_category_base_t & | restinio_err_category () |
Get restinio error category. More... | |
asio_ns::error_code | make_asio_compaible_error (asio_convertible_error_t err) noexcept |
Make restinio error_code compatible with asio_ns::error_code. More... | |
template<typename Value_Type > | |
Value_Type | cast_to (string_view_t str_representation) |
Cast string representation to a given type. More... | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &o, response_parts_attr_t attr) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &o, response_connection_attr_t attr) |
response_connection_attr_t | response_connection_attr (bool should_keep_alive) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &o, const response_output_flags_t &flags) |
io_context_holder_t | own_io_context () |
Function which tells that http_server should create and use its own instance of io_context. More... | |
io_context_holder_t | external_io_context (asio_ns::io_context &ctx) |
Function which tells that http_server should use external instance of io_context and should not controll its lifetime. More... | |
constexpr break_signal_handling_t | use_break_signal_handling () noexcept |
Make the indicator for usage of break signal handler. More... | |
constexpr break_signal_handling_t | skip_break_signal_handling () noexcept |
Make the indicator for absence of break signal handler. More... | |
template<typename Traits = default_single_thread_traits_t> | |
run_on_this_thread_settings_t< Traits > | on_this_thread () |
A special marker for the case when http_server must be run on the context of the current thread. More... | |
template<typename Traits = default_traits_t> | |
run_on_thread_pool_settings_t< Traits > | on_thread_pool (std::size_t pool_size) |
A special marker for the case when http_server must be run on an thread pool. More... | |
template<typename Traits > | |
void | run (asio_ns::io_context &ioctx, run_on_this_thread_settings_t< Traits > &&settings) |
Helper function for running http server until ctrl+c is hit. More... | |
template<typename Traits > | |
void | run (run_on_this_thread_settings_t< Traits > &&settings) |
Helper function for running http server until ctrl+c is hit. More... | |
template<typename Traits > | |
void | run (run_on_thread_pool_settings_t< Traits > &&settings) |
Helper function for running http server until ctrl+c is hit. More... | |
template<typename Traits > | |
void | run (asio_ns::io_context &ioctx, run_on_thread_pool_settings_t< Traits > &&settings) |
Helper function for running http server until ctrl+c is hit. More... | |
template<typename Traits > | |
run_existing_server_on_thread_pool_t< Traits > | on_thread_pool (std::size_t pool_size, break_signal_handling_t break_handling, http_server_t< Traits > &server) |
Helper function for running an existing HTTP-server on a thread pool. More... | |
template<typename Traits > | |
void | run (run_existing_server_on_thread_pool_t< Traits > &¶ms) |
Helper function for running an existing HTTP-server on a thread pool. More... | |
template<typename Traits > | |
void | initiate_shutdown (http_server_t< Traits > &server) |
Helper function for initiation of server shutdown. More... | |
template<typename Traits = default_traits_t> | |
running_server_handle_t< Traits > | run_async (io_context_holder_t io_context, server_settings_t< Traits > &&settings, std::size_t thread_pool_size) |
Creates an instance of HTTP-server and launches it on a separate thread or thread pool. More... | |
std::string | make_date_field_value (std::time_t t) |
Format a timepoint to a string of a propper format. More... | |
std::string | make_date_field_value (std::chrono::system_clock::time_point tp) |
std::tm | make_gmtime (std::time_t t) |
std::tm | make_localtime (std::time_t t) |
template<typename Extra_Data > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &o, const generic_request_t< Extra_Data > &req) |
template<typename Value_Type > | |
Value_Type | get (const router::route_params_t ¶ms, string_view_t key) |
Cast named parameter value to a given type. More... | |
template<typename Value_Type > | |
Value_Type | get (const router::route_params_t ¶ms, std::size_t index) |
Cast indexed parameter value to a given type. More... | |
template<typename Object > | |
auto | create_default_unique_object_instance () |
Default instantiation for a specific type. More... | |
template<> | |
auto | create_default_unique_object_instance< default_request_handler_t > () |
Default instantiation for default_request_handler_t. More... | |
template<typename Object > | |
auto | create_default_shared_object_instance () |
Default instantiation for a specific type. More... | |
template<> | |
auto | create_default_shared_object_instance< default_request_handler_t > () |
Default instantiation for default_request_handler_t. More... | |
template<typename Object > | |
auto | ensure_created (std::unique_ptr< Object > mb_created_one, string_view_t fail_description) |
Ensure that object was created. More... | |
template<typename Object > | |
auto | ensure_created (std::shared_ptr< Object > mb_created_one, string_view_t fail_description) |
Ensure that object was created. More... | |
template<> | |
auto | create_default_unique_object_instance< acceptor_options_setter_t > () |
template<> | |
auto | create_default_unique_object_instance< socket_options_setter_t > () |
template<typename Traits , typename Configurator > | |
auto | exec_configurator (Configurator &&configurator) |
template<typename Connection , typename Start_Read_CB , typename Failed_CB > | |
void | prepare_connection_and_start_read (tls_socket_t &socket, Connection &con, Start_Read_CB start_read_cb, Failed_CB failed_cb) |
Customizes connection init routine with an additional step: perform handshake and only then start reading. More... | |
template<typename Value_Type > | |
Value_Type | get (const query_string_params_t ¶ms, string_view_t key) |
Cast query string parameter to a given type. More... | |
template<typename Parse_Traits > | |
expected_t< query_string_params_t, parse_query_failure_t > | try_parse_query (string_view_t original_query_string) |
Helper function for parsing query string. More... | |
template<typename Parse_Traits = parse_query_traits::restinio_defaults> | |
query_string_params_t | parse_query (string_view_t original_query_string) |
Parse query key-value parts. More... | |
template<typename Value_Type , typename Parameter_Container > | |
std::enable_if< std::is_same< Parameter_Container, query_string_params_t >::value||std::is_same< Parameter_Container, router::route_params_t >::value, Value_Type >::type | value_or (const Parameter_Container ¶ms, string_view_t key, Value_Type default_value) |
Get parameter value or a given default. More... | |
template<typename Value_Type , typename Parameter_Container > | |
std::enable_if< std::is_same< Parameter_Container, query_string_params_t >::value||std::is_same< Parameter_Container, router::route_params_t >::value, std::optional< Value_Type > >::type | opt_value (const Parameter_Container ¶ms, string_view_t key) |
Gets the value of a parameter specified by key wrapped in std::optional<Value_Type> if parameter exists and empty std::optional<Value_Type> if parameter with a given key value doesn't exist. More... | |
Adoptation functions to cover differences between snad-alone and beast asio. | |
bool | error_is_operation_aborted (const asio_ns::error_code &ec) noexcept |
bool | error_is_eof (const asio_ns::error_code &ec) noexcept |
Create const buffers. | |
constexpr const_buffer_t | const_buffer (const void *str, std::size_t size) noexcept |
const_buffer_t | const_buffer (const char *str) noexcept |
Helper funcs for working with request_handling_status_t | |
| |
constexpr request_handling_status_t | request_accepted () noexcept |
constexpr request_handling_status_t | request_rejected () noexcept |
constexpr request_handling_status_t | request_not_handled () noexcept |
RFC 2616 statuses. | |
Codes defined by RFC 2616: | |
http_status_line_t | status_continue () |
http_status_line_t | status_switching_protocols () |
http_status_line_t | status_ok () |
http_status_line_t | status_created () |
http_status_line_t | status_accepted () |
http_status_line_t | status_non_authoritative_information () |
http_status_line_t | status_no_content () |
http_status_line_t | status_reset_content () |
http_status_line_t | status_partial_content () |
http_status_line_t | status_multiple_choices () |
http_status_line_t | status_moved_permanently () |
http_status_line_t | status_found () |
http_status_line_t | status_see_other () |
http_status_line_t | status_not_modified () |
http_status_line_t | status_use_proxy () |
http_status_line_t | status_temporary_redirect () |
http_status_line_t | status_bad_request () |
http_status_line_t | status_unauthorized () |
http_status_line_t | status_payment_required () |
http_status_line_t | status_forbidden () |
http_status_line_t | status_not_found () |
http_status_line_t | status_method_not_allowed () |
http_status_line_t | status_not_acceptable () |
http_status_line_t | status_proxy_authentication_required () |
http_status_line_t | status_request_time_out () |
http_status_line_t | status_conflict () |
http_status_line_t | status_gone () |
http_status_line_t | status_length_required () |
http_status_line_t | status_precondition_failed () |
http_status_line_t | status_payload_too_large () |
http_status_line_t | status_uri_too_long () |
http_status_line_t | status_unsupported_media_type () |
http_status_line_t | status_requested_range_not_satisfiable () |
http_status_line_t | status_expectation_failed () |
http_status_line_t | status_internal_server_error () |
http_status_line_t | status_not_implemented () |
http_status_line_t | status_bad_gateway () |
http_status_line_t | status_service_unavailable () |
http_status_line_t | status_gateway_time_out () |
http_status_line_t | status_http_version_not_supported () |
Additional statuses. | |
Not covered with RFC 2616. | |
http_status_line_t | status_permanent_redirect () |
http_status_line_t | status_processing () |
http_status_line_t | status_multi_status () |
http_status_line_t | status_unprocessable_entity () |
http_status_line_t | status_locked () |
http_status_line_t | status_failed_dependency () |
http_status_line_t | status_insufficient_storage () |
http_status_line_t | status_precondition_required () |
http_status_line_t | status_too_many_requests () |
http_status_line_t | status_request_header_fields_too_large () |
http_status_line_t | status_network_authentication_required () |
Functions for creating sendfile_t objects. | |
A group of function to create sendfile_t, that is convertad to writable items used as a part of response.
| |
sendfile_t | sendfile (file_descriptor_holder_t fd, file_meta_t meta, file_size_t chunk_size=sendfile_default_chunk_size) noexcept |
sendfile_t | sendfile (const char *file_path, file_size_t chunk_size=sendfile_default_chunk_size) |
sendfile_t | sendfile (const std::string &file_path, file_size_t chunk_size=sendfile_default_chunk_size) |
sendfile_t | sendfile (string_view_t file_path, file_size_t chunk_size=sendfile_default_chunk_size) |
sendfile_t | sendfile (const std::filesystem::path &file_path, file_size_t chunk_size=sendfile_default_chunk_size) |
File operations. | |
A minimal set of file operations. Incapsulates details of native API for a set of file operations neccessary for sendfile_t class implementation. | |
constexpr file_descriptor_t | null_file_descriptor () |
Get file descriptor which stands for null. More... | |
file_descriptor_t | open_file (const char *file_path) |
Open file. More... | |
file_descriptor_t | open_file (const std::filesystem::path &file_path) |
Helper function that accepts std::filesystem::path. More... | |
template<typename META > | |
META | get_file_meta (file_descriptor_t fd) |
Get file size. More... | |
void | close_file (file_descriptor_t fd) |
Close file by its descriptor. More... | |
Variables | |
constexpr file_size_t | sendfile_default_chunk_size = 1024 * 1024 |
Default chunk size for sendfile operation. More... | |
constexpr file_size_t | sendfile_max_chunk_size = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 |
Maximum size of a chunk. More... | |
enum | http_connection_header_t : std::uint8_t { http_connection_header_t::keep_alive, http_connection_header_t::close, http_connection_header_t::upgrade } |
Values for conection header field. More... | |
http_field_t | string_to_field (string_view_t field) noexcept |
Helper function to get method string name. More... | |
const char * | field_to_string (http_field_t f) noexcept |
Helper sunction to get method string name. More... | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &to, const http_method_id_t &m) |
constexpr http_method_id_t | http_method_unknown () |
template<typename CharT , typename Traits > | |
std::basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > & | operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > &to, const http_status_code_t &status_code) |
Helper for printing status_code to ostream. More... | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &o, const http_status_line_t &status_line) |
sendfile routine.
Timer factory implementation using asio timers.
Restinio buffers.
Restinio common types.
Exception class for all exceptions thrown by RESTinio.
Adoption for std::expected (c++20).
helpers for http communication.
HTTP-Acceptor handler routine.
HTTP-connection routine.
A base class for connection handle.
Connection settings.
Execution mixin.
Fixed size buffer.
HTTP-Connection handler routine.
Coordinator for process od sending responses with respect to http pipeline technique and chunk transfer.
Socket adapter for asio::ssl::stream< asio::ip::tcp::socket >.
Helper output context for writing buffers to output stream (socket).
Builders for messages.
Ready to use loggers implementations.
No-op timer factory implementation.
OS specific functions.
Ready to use logger implementation for using with std::ostream.
Utility for converting express.js style routes to regexp.
Code adopted from
HTTP-request handlers routine.
Regex engine for using std::regex.
Express.js style router.
Sendfile routine.
Sendfile routine definitions (default implementation via <cstdio>).
Sendfile routine definitions (posix implementation).
HTTP-Server configuration.
Timers implementation with sobjectizer timers.
Adoption for std::string_view (c++17).
A base class for all classes that deal with connection context.
Support for https.
HTTP server traits.
Transformator of data streams using zlib.
escape functions.
Base64 implementation.
Convert strings to numeric types.
Helpers for extraction group of bits from numbers.
Percent encoding routine.
SHA1 implementation.
Helper functions for parameter extraction with default values.
UTF-8 .
WebSocket connection routine.
Protocol header validator.
WebSocket messgage handler definition.
using restinio::acceptor_options_setter_t = typedef std::function< void ( acceptor_options_t & ) > |
Definition at line 225 of file settings.hpp.
using restinio::acceptor_post_bind_hook_t = typedef std::function< void(asio_ns::ip::tcp::acceptor &) > |
A type of callback to be called after a successful invocation of bind() function for the acceptor.
Definition at line 434 of file settings.hpp.
using restinio::chunk_ext_params_t = typedef std::vector< chunk_ext_param_t > |
Definition at line 39 of file chunked_input_info.hpp.
using restinio::chunk_ext_params_unique_ptr_t = typedef std::unique_ptr< chunk_ext_params_t > |
Definition at line 40 of file chunked_input_info.hpp.
using restinio::chunked_input_info_unique_ptr_t = typedef std::unique_ptr< chunked_input_info_t > |
Alias of unique_ptr for chunked_input_info.
Definition at line 308 of file chunked_input_info.hpp.
using restinio::cleanup_functor_t = typedef std::function< void(void) > |
Type of holder for user's cleanup function.
Definition at line 307 of file settings.hpp.
using restinio::connection_id_t = typedef std::uint64_t |
Type for ID of connection.
Definition at line 174 of file common_types.hpp.
using restinio::default_asio_executor = typedef asio_ns::executor |
Definition at line 224 of file asio_include.hpp.
using restinio::default_request_handler_t = typedef std::function< request_handling_status_t ( request_handle_t ) > |
Definition at line 479 of file request_handler.hpp.
using restinio::default_single_thread_traits_t = typedef single_thread_traits_t< asio_timer_manager_t, null_logger_t > |
Default traits for single-threaded HTTP-server.
Uses default timer manager. And null logger.
Usage example:
Definition at line 432 of file traits.hpp.
using restinio::default_strand_t = typedef asio_ns::strand< default_asio_executor > |
A typedef for the default strand type.
Definition at line 23 of file default_strands.hpp.
using restinio::default_tls_traits_t = typedef tls_traits_t< asio_timer_manager_t, null_logger_t > |
using restinio::default_traits_t = typedef traits_t< asio_timer_manager_t, null_logger_t > |
Definition at line 413 of file traits.hpp.
using restinio::endpoint_t = typedef asio_ns::ip::tcp::endpoint |
An alias for endpoint type from Asio.
Definition at line 177 of file common_types.hpp.
using restinio::error_category_base_t = typedef asio_ns::error_category |
An alias for base class of error category entity.
Definition at line 47 of file asio_include.hpp.
using restinio::expected_t = typedef nonstd::expected<T, E> |
Definition at line 18 of file expected.hpp.
typedef int restinio::file_descriptor_t |
Definition at line 26 of file sendfile_defs_default.hpp.
typedef std::int64_t restinio::file_offset_t |
Definition at line 27 of file sendfile_defs_default.hpp.
typedef std::uint64_t restinio::file_size_t |
Definition at line 28 of file sendfile_defs_default.hpp.
using restinio::fmt_minimal_memory_buffer_t = typedef fmt::basic_memory_buffer<char, 1u> |
An alias for fmt::basic_memory_buffer<char,1>.
Definition at line 40 of file buffers.hpp.
using restinio::generic_request_handle_t = typedef std::shared_ptr< generic_request_t< Extra_Data > > |
An alias for shared-pointer to incoming request.
Definition at line 456 of file request_handler.hpp.
using restinio::generic_request_type_from_traits_t = typedef generic_request_t< typename Traits::extra_data_factory_t::data_t > |
A metafunction for the detection of actual type of request-object from server's traits.
The actual type of request-object depends from extra-data-factory. This metafunction detect the actual type with the respect to the definition of extra_data_factory_t
inside Traits.
Definition at line 396 of file traits.hpp.
using restinio::http_field = typedef http_field_t |
Helper alies to omitt _t
Definition at line 243 of file http_headers.hpp.
using restinio::io_context_shared_ptr_t = typedef std::shared_ptr< asio_ns::io_context > |
Definition at line 25 of file http_server.hpp.
using restinio::noop_strand_t = typedef default_asio_executor |
A typedef for no-op strand type.
Definition at line 28 of file default_strands.hpp.
using restinio::not_null_pointer_t = typedef T* |
Type for pointer that is not null by design.
Definition at line 169 of file common_types.hpp.
using restinio::nullable_pointer_t = typedef T* |
Type for pointer that can be nullptr.
This type is used in methods which return raw pointers. It indicates that returned value should be checked for nullptr.
Definition at line 154 of file common_types.hpp.
using restinio::request_handle_t = typedef std::shared_ptr< request_t > |
An alias for handle for incoming request without additional extra-data.
For compatibility with previous versions.
Definition at line 472 of file request_handler.hpp.
using restinio::request_handler_type_from_traits_t = typedef typename details::actual_request_handler_type_detector< typename Traits::request_handler_t, typename Traits::extra_data_factory_t >::request_handler_t |
A metafunction for extraction a request-handler type from server's traits.
This metafunction is necessary because request_handler_t
in Traits can be an alias for details::autodetect_request_handler_type. Because of that details::actual_request_handler_type_detector metafunction is invoked for the detection of request-handler type.
Definition at line 379 of file traits.hpp.
using restinio::request_id_t = typedef unsigned int |
Request id in scope of single connection.
Definition at line 70 of file common_types.hpp.
using restinio::request_t = typedef generic_request_t< no_extra_data_factory_t::data_t > |
An alias for incoming request without additional extra-data.
For compatibility with previous versions.
Definition at line 464 of file request_handler.hpp.
using restinio::running_server_handle_t = typedef std::unique_ptr< running_server_instance_t< http_server_t<Traits> > > |
The type to be used as a handle for running server instance.
The handle should be seen as a Moveable and not Copyable type.
Definition at line 1010 of file http_server_run.hpp.
using restinio::shared_ostream_logger_t = typedef ostream_logger_t< std::mutex > |
Definition at line 104 of file ostream_logger.hpp.
using restinio::single_thread_tls_traits_t = typedef tls_traits_t< Timer_Factory, Logger, Request_Handler, noop_strand_t > |
using restinio::single_thread_traits_t = typedef traits_t< Timer_Manager, Logger, Request_Handler, noop_strand_t > |
Definition at line 407 of file traits.hpp.
using restinio::single_threaded_ostream_logger_t = typedef ostream_logger_t< null_mutex_t > |
Definition at line 103 of file ostream_logger.hpp.
using restinio::socket_options_setter_t = typedef std::function< void ( socket_options_t & ) > |
Definition at line 292 of file settings.hpp.
using restinio::string_view_t = typedef std::string_view |
Definition at line 15 of file string_view.hpp.
using restinio::tcp_connection_ctx_handle_t = typedef std::shared_ptr< tcp_connection_ctx_base_t > |
Alias for http connection handle.
Definition at line 62 of file tcp_connection_ctx_base.hpp.
typedef std::weak_ptr< tcp_connection_ctx_base_t > restinio::tcp_connection_ctx_weak_handle_t |
Alias for http connection weak handle.
Definition at line 65 of file tcp_connection_ctx_base.hpp.
using restinio::timer_invocation_cb_t = typedef std::add_pointer< void ( timer_invocation_tag_t , tcp_connection_ctx_weak_handle_t ) >::type |
A pointer to invocation callback for a specific context object.
Definition at line 25 of file timer_common.hpp.
using restinio::timer_invocation_tag_t = typedef std::uint32_t |
An invokation tag, for controlling no more actual timers in corner cases.
Definition at line 20 of file timer_common.hpp.
using restinio::tls_socket_t = typedef impl::tls_socket_t |
A public alias for the actual implementation of TLS-socket.
Definition at line 30 of file tls_fwd.hpp.
using restinio::tls_traits_t = typedef traits_t< Timer_Factory, Logger, Request_Handler, Strand, tls_socket_t > |
using restinio::writable_items_container_t = typedef std::vector< writable_item_t > |
Definition at line 703 of file buffers.hpp.
using restinio::write_status_cb_t = typedef std::function< void( const asio_ns::error_code & ec ) > |
An alias for a callback to be invoked after the write operation of a particular group of "buffers".
Definition at line 715 of file buffers.hpp.
strong |
Enum for restinio errors that must presented as asio_ns::error_code value.
Enumerator | |
write_was_not_executed | After write notificator error: data was not sent, connection closed (or aborted) before a given piece of data. |
write_group_destroyed_passively | After write notificator error: a notificator was set for a write_group_t but no external invokation happened, so write_group_t destructor calls it with error. |
async_write_call_failed | A call to async_write failed. The corresponding write operation wasn't done.
async_read_some_at_call_failed | A call to async_read_some_at failed. The corresponding sendfile operation wasn't done.
Definition at line 121 of file asio_include.hpp.
strong |
Indication of usage of break signal handlers for some forms of run functions.
Enumerator | |
used | Signal handler should be used by run() function. |
skipped | Signal handler should not be used by run() function. |
Definition at line 28 of file http_server_run.hpp.
strong |
Values for conection header field.
Enumerator | |
keep_alive | |
close | |
upgrade |
Definition at line 1568 of file http_headers.hpp.
strong |
C++ enum that repeats nodejs c-style enum.
and Content-Length
are specieal cases, thus they are not present in the list. Enumerator | |
field_unspecified |
Definition at line 233 of file http_headers.hpp.
strong |
Request handling status.
If handler handles request it must return accepted.
If handler refuses to handle request it must return rejected.
Definition at line 25 of file common_types.hpp.
strong |
Attribute for parts.
Enumerator | |
connection_keepalive | This response says to keep connection. |
connection_close | This response says to close connection. |
Definition at line 93 of file common_types.hpp.
strong |
Attribute for parts.
Enumerator | |
not_final_parts | Intermediate parts (more parts of response to follow). |
final_parts | Final parts (response ands with these parts). |
Definition at line 73 of file common_types.hpp.
strong |
Buffers write operation type.
Enumerator | |
trivial_write_operation | Item is a buffer and must be written trivially. |
file_write_operation | Item is a sendfile operation and implicates file write operation. |
Definition at line 442 of file buffers.hpp.
Value_Type restinio::cast_to | ( | string_view_t | str_representation | ) |
Cast string representation to a given type.
Definition at line 27 of file cast_to.hpp.
inline |
Close file by its descriptor.
Definition at line 152 of file sendfile_defs_default.hpp.
inlinenoexcept |
Definition at line 425 of file buffers.hpp.
inlinenoexcept |
Definition at line 431 of file buffers.hpp.
inline |
Default instantiation for a specific type.
Definition at line 91 of file settings.hpp.
inline |
Default instantiation for default_request_handler_t.
Definition at line 100 of file settings.hpp.
inline |
Default instantiation for a specific type.
Definition at line 69 of file settings.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 229 of file settings.hpp.
inline |
Default instantiation for default_request_handler_t.
Definition at line 78 of file settings.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 296 of file settings.hpp.
auto restinio::ensure_created | ( | std::unique_ptr< Object > | mb_created_one, |
string_view_t | fail_description | ||
) |
Ensure that object was created.
Definition at line 113 of file settings.hpp.
auto restinio::ensure_created | ( | std::shared_ptr< Object > | mb_created_one, |
string_view_t | fail_description | ||
) |
Ensure that object was created.
Definition at line 133 of file settings.hpp.
inlinenoexcept |
Definition at line 33 of file asio_include.hpp.
inlinenoexcept |
Definition at line 27 of file asio_include.hpp.
auto restinio::exec_configurator | ( | Configurator && | configurator | ) |
Definition at line 1815 of file settings.hpp.
inline |
Function which tells that http_server should use external instance of io_context and should not controll its lifetime.
Usage example:
Definition at line 87 of file http_server.hpp.
inlinenoexcept |
Helper sunction to get method string name.
Definition at line 554 of file http_headers.hpp.
Value_Type restinio::get | ( | const query_string_params_t & | params, |
string_view_t | key | ||
) |
Cast query string parameter to a given type.
Definition at line 175 of file uri_helpers.hpp.
Value_Type restinio::get | ( | const router::route_params_t & | params, |
string_view_t | key | ||
) |
Cast named parameter value to a given type.
Definition at line 853 of file express.hpp.
Value_Type restinio::get | ( | const router::route_params_t & | params, |
std::size_t | index | ||
) |
Cast indexed parameter value to a given type.
Definition at line 861 of file express.hpp.
META restinio::get_file_meta | ( | file_descriptor_t | fd | ) |
inline |
Definition at line 1810 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Helper function for initiation of server shutdown.
Can be useful if an existing HTTP-server is run via run() function. For example:
Definition at line 681 of file http_server_run.hpp.
inlinenoexcept |
Make restinio error_code compatible with asio_ns::error_code.
Definition at line 210 of file asio_include.hpp.
inline |
Format a timepoint to a string of a propper format.
Definition at line 33 of file message_builders.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 49 of file message_builders.hpp.
constexpr file_descriptor_t restinio::null_file_descriptor | ( | ) |
Get file descriptor which stands for null.
Definition at line 42 of file sendfile_defs_default.hpp.
run_on_this_thread_settings_t<Traits> restinio::on_this_thread | ( | ) |
A special marker for the case when http_server must be run on the context of the current thread.
Usage example:
For a case when some custom traits must be used:
Definition at line 123 of file http_server_run.hpp.
run_on_thread_pool_settings_t<Traits> restinio::on_thread_pool | ( | std::size_t | pool_size | ) |
A special marker for the case when http_server must be run on an thread pool.
Usage example:
For a case when some custom traits must be used:
pool_size | Size of the pool. |
Definition at line 183 of file http_server_run.hpp.
run_existing_server_on_thread_pool_t<Traits> restinio::on_thread_pool | ( | std::size_t | pool_size, |
break_signal_handling_t | break_handling, | ||
http_server_t< Traits > & | server | ||
) |
Helper function for running an existing HTTP-server on a thread pool.
Usage example:
Definition at line 494 of file http_server_run.hpp.
inline |
Open file.
Definition at line 48 of file sendfile_defs_default.hpp.
inline |
Helper function that accepts std::filesystem::path.
Just delegates all real work to open_file(const char *).
Definition at line 90 of file sendfile_defs_default.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 82 of file common_types.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 102 of file common_types.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 136 of file common_types.hpp.
std::ostream& restinio::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | o, |
const generic_request_t< Extra_Data > & | req | ||
) |
Definition at line 441 of file request_handler.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 1795 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Helper for printing status_code to ostream.
Definition at line 2039 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2173 of file http_headers.hpp.
std::enable_if< std::is_same< Parameter_Container, query_string_params_t >::value || std::is_same< Parameter_Container, router::route_params_t >::value, std::optional< Value_Type > >::type restinio::opt_value | ( | const Parameter_Container & | params, |
string_view_t | key | ||
) |
Gets the value of a parameter specified by key wrapped in std::optional<Value_Type>
if parameter exists and empty std::optional<Value_Type>
if parameter with a given key value doesn't exist.
If parameter exists in params it is obtained as string_view_t
object and casted to a necessary type and then is wrapped in std::optional<Value_Type>
. If params has no such parameters then the empty std::optional<Value_Type>
is returned.
Definition at line 64 of file value_or.hpp.
inline |
Function which tells that http_server should create and use its own instance of io_context.
Usage example:
Definition at line 65 of file http_server.hpp.
query_string_params_t restinio::parse_query | ( | string_view_t | original_query_string | ) |
Parse query key-value parts.
Since v.0.4.9 this function correctly handles the following cases:
. In that case value of the tag (web beacon) can be obtained via query_string_params_t::tag() method. References: web beacon and query-string-tracking;;
instead of &
as parameter separator.Since v. this function can be parametrized by parser traits. For example:
original_query_string | Query part of the request target. |
Definition at line 520 of file uri_helpers.hpp.
void restinio::prepare_connection_and_start_read | ( | tls_socket_t & | socket, |
Connection & | con, | ||
Start_Read_CB | start_read_cb, | ||
Failed_CB | failed_cb | ||
) |
noexcept |
Definition at line 46 of file common_types.hpp.
noexcept |
Definition at line 63 of file common_types.hpp.
noexcept |
Definition at line 53 of file common_types.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 113 of file common_types.hpp.
inline |
Get restinio error category.
Definition at line 199 of file asio_include.hpp.
inline |
Helper function for running http server until ctrl+c is hit.
Can be useful when RESTinio server should be run on the user's own io_context instance.
For example:
ioctx | Asio's io_context to be used. Note: this reference should remain valid until RESTinio server finished. |
settings | Settings for that server instance. |
Definition at line 216 of file http_server_run.hpp.
inline |
Helper function for running http server until ctrl+c is hit.
This function creates its own instance of Asio's io_context and uses it exclusively.
Usage example:
Definition at line 283 of file http_server_run.hpp.
inline |
Helper function for running http server until ctrl+c is hit.
This function creates its own instance of Asio's io_context and uses it exclusively.
Usage example:
Definition at line 370 of file http_server_run.hpp.
inline |
Helper function for running http server until ctrl+c is hit.
Can be useful when RESTinio server should be run on the user's own io_context instance.
For example:
ioctx | Asio's io_context to be used. Note: this reference should remain valid until RESTinio server finished. |
settings | Settings for that server instance. |
Definition at line 401 of file http_server_run.hpp.
inline |
Helper function for running an existing HTTP-server on a thread pool.
Usage example:
Definition at line 632 of file http_server_run.hpp.
running_server_handle_t< Traits > restinio::run_async | ( | io_context_holder_t | io_context, |
server_settings_t< Traits > && | settings, | ||
std::size_t | thread_pool_size | ||
) |
Creates an instance of HTTP-server and launches it on a separate thread or thread pool.
Usage example:
Or, if user-defined traits should be used:
run_async() returns control when HTTP-server is started or some startup failure is detected. But if a failure is detected then an exception is thrown. So if run_async() returns successfuly then HTTP-server is working.
The started HTTP-server will be automatically stopped at the destruction of the returned value. Because of that the returned value should be stored for the time while HTTP-server is needed.
The started HTTP-server can be stopped manually by calling stop() and wait() methods:
Definition at line 1199 of file http_server_run.hpp.
inlinenoexcept |
fd | Native file descriptor. |
meta | File meta data. |
chunk_size | The max size of a data to be send on a single iteration. |
Definition at line 481 of file sendfile.hpp.
inline |
file_path | Path to file. |
chunk_size | The max size of a data to be send on a single iteration. |
Definition at line 494 of file sendfile.hpp.
inline |
file_path | Path to file. |
chunk_size | The max size of a data to be send on a single iteration. |
Definition at line 509 of file sendfile.hpp.
inline |
file_path | Path to file. |
chunk_size | The max size of a data to be send on a single iteration. |
Definition at line 520 of file sendfile.hpp.
inline |
file_path | Path to file. |
chunk_size | The max size of a data to be send on a single iteration. |
Definition at line 538 of file sendfile.hpp.
inlinenoexcept |
Make the indicator for absence of break signal handler.
Usage example:
Definition at line 69 of file http_server_run.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2196 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2292 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2232 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2259 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2184 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2193 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2283 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2326 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2241 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2217 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2298 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2262 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2301 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2329 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2286 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2265 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2323 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2247 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2214 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2317 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2211 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2342 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2202 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2199 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2250 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2244 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2289 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2223 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2190 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2208 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2271 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2238 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2310 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2268 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2333 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2314 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2253 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2339 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2256 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2280 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2205 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2220 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2295 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2187 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2229 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2336 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2235 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2320 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2277 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2274 of file http_headers.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 2226 of file http_headers.hpp.
inlinenoexcept |
Helper function to get method string name.
Definition at line 252 of file http_headers.hpp.
expected_t< query_string_params_t, parse_query_failure_t > restinio::try_parse_query | ( | string_view_t | original_query_string | ) |
Helper function for parsing query string.
Unlike parse_query() function the try_parse_query() doesn't throw if some unsupported character sequence is found.
Usage example:
original_query_string | Query part of the request target. |
Definition at line 399 of file uri_helpers.hpp.
inlinenoexcept |
Make the indicator for usage of break signal handler.
Usage example:
Definition at line 50 of file http_server_run.hpp.
std::enable_if< std::is_same< Parameter_Container, query_string_params_t >::value || std::is_same< Parameter_Container, router::route_params_t >::value, Value_Type >::type restinio::value_or | ( | const Parameter_Container & | params, |
string_view_t | key, | ||
Value_Type | default_value | ||
) |
Get parameter value or a given default.
Get the value of a parameter specified by key if parameter exists. If parameter exists in params it is obtained as string_view_t
object and casted to a necessary type and then returns. If params has no such parameters then the default_value is returned.
Definition at line 36 of file value_or.hpp.
constexpr file_size_t restinio::sendfile_default_chunk_size = 1024 * 1024 |
constexpr file_size_t restinio::sendfile_max_chunk_size = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 |