SObjectizer-5 Extra
* An example of using Asio-based single-threaded and thread-safe
* infrastructure.
* This example resolves names of hosts into IP addresses. User enters host
* name in dialog on the context of the main thread. This name is passed to
* SObjectizer's agent which works on different thread. The result is sent
* back via mchain.
#include <so_5/all.hpp>
#include <asio.hpp>
#include <asio/ip/tcp.hpp>
#include <sstream>
using asio::ip::tcp;
// An agent for resolving host names into IP addresses.
class resolver_t final : public so_5::agent_t
public :
// A message to be used for new request to resolver.
struct resolve final : public so_5::message_t
// Mbox for reply.
so_5::mbox_t m_reply_to;
// Host name to be resolved.
std::string m_what;
resolve( so_5::mbox_t reply_to, std::string what )
: m_reply_to(std::move(reply_to))
, m_what(std::move(what))
// A reply for successful resolving result.
struct resolve_successed final : public so_5::message_t
// Original host name.
std::string m_what;
// Address of the host.
asio::ip::address m_result;
resolve_successed( std::string what, asio::ip::address result )
: m_what(std::move(what))
, m_result(std::move(result))
// A reply for negative resolving result.
struct resolve_failed : public so_5::message_t
// Original host name.
std::string m_what;
// Description of the problem.
std::string m_description;
resolve_failed( std::string what, std::string description )
: m_what(std::move(what))
, m_description(std::move(description))
resolver_t( context_t ctx, asio::io_context & io_service )
: so_5::agent_t( ctx )
, m_resolver( io_service )
// A subscription to just one message is needed.
so_subscribe_self().event( &resolver_t::on_resolve );
private :
// Actual resolver to be used.
tcp::resolver m_resolver;
on_resolve( const resolve & msg )
// Timeout for resolve operation will be ignored.
std::string() /* no service name or port */,
tcp::resolver::numeric_service |
[reply_to = msg.m_reply_to, what = msg.m_what](
const asio::error_code & ec,
tcp::resolver::results_type results )
handle_resolve_result( reply_to, std::move(what), ec, results );
} );
static void
const so_5::mbox_t & reply_to,
std::string what,
const asio::error_code & ec,
tcp::resolver::results_type results )
if( !ec )
so_5::send< resolve_successed >(
results.begin()->endpoint().address() );
std::ostringstream s;
s << ec;
so_5::send< resolve_failed >(
s.str() );
// Launch separate thread on which the SObjectizer instance will work.
std::tuple<std::thread, so_5::environment_t *, so_5::mbox_t, so_5::mchain_t>
// Mutex and condition variable are necessary for safe synchronization
// with a separate thread.
std::mutex data_lock;
std::condition_variable sobj_started;
so_5::environment_t * penv{};
so_5::mbox_t resolver_mbox;
so_5::mchain_t reply_ch;
// This lock stops the separate thread util this thread will
// call sobj_started.wait().
std::unique_lock< std::mutex > lock1{ data_lock };
std::thread sobj_thread{ [&] {
std::cout << "SObjectizer thread started" << std::endl;
// This io_service will be used by SObjectizer infrastructure.
asio::io_context io_svc;
[&](so_5::environment_t & env) {
std::lock_guard< std::mutex > lock2{ data_lock };
// Pointer to the environment must be returned.
penv = &env;
// Mchain for replies from resolver must be created.
reply_ch = so_5::create_mchain( env );
// Create a coop with resolver and manager.
env.introduce_coop( [&]( so_5::coop_t & coop ) {
auto resolver = coop.make_agent< resolver_t >( std::ref(io_svc) );
resolver_mbox = resolver->so_direct_mbox();
} );
// Waiting thread must be informed that all variables have its values.
[&io_svc](so_5::environment_params_t & params) {
// Setup single-threaded Asio-based infrastructure.
params.infrastructure_factory( factory(io_svc) );
} );
std::cout << "SObjectizer thread finished" << std::endl;
} };
// Wait for start of sobjectizer.
sobj_started.wait( lock1, [&]{ return penv != nullptr; } );
// Now all variables have its values. We can return them.
return std::make_tuple( std::move(sobj_thread), penv, resolver_mbox, reply_ch );
std::thread sobj_thread;
so_5::environment_t * penv;
so_5::mbox_t resolver_mbox;
so_5::mchain_t reply_ch;
// Launch SObjectizer on the separate thread.
std::tie(sobj_thread, penv, resolver_mbox, reply_ch) = launch_sobjectizer();
// SObjectizer's thread must be automatically joined.
auto sobj_thread_joiner = so_5::auto_join(sobj_thread);
// Start interactive dialog with user.
while( true )
std::cout << "Enter host name or 'quit' for exit: " << std::flush;
std::string host_name;
if( std::getline(std::cin, host_name) )
if( host_name.empty() )
if( "quit" == host_name )
// User enters a host name. It must be resolved.
// Send a resolve request.
so_5::send< resolver_t::resolve >(
reply_ch->as_mbox(), // reply_to
std::move(host_name) ); // host name to be resolved.
// Wait for resolve result.
so_5::receive( from(reply_ch).handle_n(1),
[]( so_5::mhood_t<resolver_t::resolve_successed> cmd ) {
std::cout << "Successed: '" << cmd->m_what << "' -> "
<< cmd->m_result << std::endl;
[]( so_5::mhood_t<resolver_t::resolve_failed> cmd ) {
std::cout << "Failed: '" << cmd->m_what << "', "
<< cmd->m_description << std::endl;
} );
std::cout << "Stopping SObjectizer..." << std::endl;
int main()
catch( const std::exception & x )
std::cout << "Exception caught: " << x.what() << std::endl;
return 0;