TLS support

RESTinio supports HTTPS using ASIO TLS facilities (based on OpenSSL).

To create https server it is needed to include an extra header file restinio/tls.hpp. This file contains necessary customization classes and structs that make restinio::http_server_t usable as https server. For specializing restinio::http_server_t to work as https server one should use restinio::default_tls_traits_t (or restinio::single_thread_tls_traits_t) for it and also it is vital to set TLS context using asio::ssl::context. That setting is added to server_settings_t class instantiated with TLS traits.

Lets look through an example:

// ...
using traits_t =
    router_t >;

asio::ssl::context tls_context{ asio::ssl::context::sslv23 };
  asio::ssl::context::default_workarounds |
  asio::ssl::context::no_sslv2 |
  asio::ssl::context::single_dh_use );

tls_context.use_certificate_chain_file( certs_dir + "/server.pem" );
  certs_dir + "/key.pem",
  asio::ssl::context::pem );
tls_context.use_tmp_dh_file( certs_dir + "/dh2048.pem" );

  restinio::on_this_thread< traits_t >()
    .address( "localhost" )
    .request_handler( server_handler() )
    .read_next_http_message_timelimit( 10s )
    .write_http_response_timelimit( 1s )
    .handle_request_timeout( 1s )
    .tls_context( std::move( tls_context ) ) );

// ...

See full sample for details.

The example above shows a simple scenario where TLS-context is used exclusively by a single instance of RESTinio server. Since v.0.6.10 RESTinio supports more complex scenarios where one TLS-context has to be shared between several instances of RESTinio servers (or between RESTinio server and other parts of an application). In v.0.6.10 TLS-context can be passed to server_settings_t as a shared pointer:

auto tls_context = std::make_shared< asio::ssl::context >(
      asio::ssl::context::sslv23 );
   | asio::ssl::context::no_sslv2
   | asio::ssl::context::single_dh_use );

tls_context->use_certificate_chain_file( certs_dir + "/server.pem" );
   certs_dir + "/key.pem",
   asio::ssl::context::pem );
tls_context->use_tmp_dh_file( certs_dir + "/dh2048.pem" );

auto first_server = restinio::run_async< traits_t >(
      restinio::server_settings_t< traits_t >{}
            .address( "localhost" )
            .port( 4443 )
            .request_handler( server_handler( "First" ) )
            .tls_context( tls_context ),
      1u );
auto second_server = restinio::run_async< traits_t >(
      restinio::server_settings_t< traits_t >{}
            .address( "localhost" )
            .port( 5553 )
            .request_handler( server_handler( "Second" ) )
            .tls_context( tls_context ),
      1u );

In that case the single TLS-context will be used by several instances of RESTinio server.