RESTinio supports a plenty types of buffers that contain data
forming a response body.
Message builders has body setters methods
, append_body()
, append_chunk()
with an argument of a type writable_item_t
(see buffers.hpp for more details).
is a wrapper for different types of buffers.
wrapps two categories of buffer entities:
trivial buffers – they can be eventually described as
{void* data, size_t size}
, and send files – see File support (sendfile).
Here we’ll cover trivial buffers details.
Const buffer
Const buffers are intended for cases when the data is defined as a constant char sequence and its lifetime is guaranteed to be long enough (for example a c-strings defined globally).
To make the usage of const buffers safer
constructors don’t accept pointer and size params
directly, and to instantiate a writable_item_t
object that refers to const
buffers a helper const_buffer_t
class must be used. There is a helper
function const_buffer()
that helps to create const_buffer_t
namespace restinio
inline constexpr const_buffer_t const_buffer( const void * str, std::size_t size ) noexcept;
inline const_buffer_t const_buffer( const char * str ) noexcept;
Let’s have a look at a clarifying example:
// Request handler:
[]( restinio::request_handle_t req ){
// Create response builder.
auro resp = req->create_response();
const char * resp = "0123456789 ...";
// Set response part as const buffer.
resp.set_body( restinio::const_buffer( resp ) ); // OK, size will be calculated with std::strlen().
resp.set_body( restinio::const_buffer( resp, 4 ) ); // OK, size will be 4.
// When not using restinio::const_buffer() helper function
// char* will be treated as a parameter for std::string constructor.
// See next section.
resp.set_body( resp ); // OK, but std::string will be actually used.
const std::string temp{ "watch the lifetime, please" };
// Using a temporary source for const buffer.
resp.set_body( restinio::const_buffer( temp.data(), temp.size() ) ); // BAD!
// ...
Types with datasizeable interface
RESTinio support any arbitrary type T
as a buffer
if it fills the following contract:
must have const member functiondata()
returning a pointer to the begining of the buffer data.T
must have const member functionsize()
returning a size of a buffer in bytes.T
must be move constructible.
For example support of std::string
and fmt::basic_memory_buffer<char,1>
is done this way.
For this writable_item_t
has a special template constructor
to initialize itself with this kind of trivial buffer.
Note: there is an important limitation. The size of such type
must be not greater than maximum size of (std::string
, fmt::basic_memory_buffer<char,1>
An example:
// Request handler:
[]( restinio::request_handle_t req ){
// Create response builder.
auro resp = req->create_response();
const std::string body{ "Hello" };
// Though using a temporary source directly is OK.
resp.set_body( body ); // OK, will create a copy of the string.
resp.append_body( std::move( body ) ); // OK, will move the string.
// ...
Support for fmt::basic_memory_buffer<char,1>
Since v.0.6.3 there is a support for fmt::basic_memory_buffer<char,1>
// Request handler:
[]( restinio::request_handle_t req ){
// Create response builder.
auro resp = req->create_response();
// The buffer for building response body.
fmt::basic_memory_buffer<char, 1u> resp_body;
// Building the body...
fmt::format_to(resp_body, "...", ...);
fmt::format_to(resp_body, "...", ...);
resp.append_body( std::move(resp_body) ); // Move the body to the response.
// ...