Welcome to RESTinio v.0.6 documentation!
- What Is It?
- Obtain And Build
- Getting started
- Basic idea
- Traits
- Using restinio::run
- RESTinio’s threading model and sync/async request processing
- Using external io_context
- Request handler
- Extra-data in request object
- Response builder
- Working with http headers
- Query string parameters
- Get values from RESTinio key-value containers
- File support (sendfile)
- Buffers
- Express router
- Experimental type-safe easy_parser router
- Method-matchers for express- and easy_parser-based routers
- Chains of synchronous handlers
- Compression (defalate, gzip)
- Various helpers
- Connection state listener
- IP-blocker
- Server settings
- Traits independent settings
- acceptor_options_setter
- acceptor_post_bind_hook
- address(asio::ip::address)
- address(std::string)
- buffer_size
- cleanup_func
- concurrent_accepts_count
- handle_request_timeout
- incoming_http_msg_limits
- max_pipelined_requests
- port
- protocol
- read_next_http_message_timelimit
- separate_accept_and_create_connect
- socket_options_setter
- write_http_response_timelimit
- Traits dependent settings
- Traits independent settings
- Cleanup function
- RESTinio context entities running on asio::io_context
- Websocket
- TLS support
- ASIO Support
- Version History